Joe D

I have always had a passion for everything computing. In early 2000, I decided to take my passion to the web. Thus, C.O.D. was born. Through the years we have made many great friends at C.O.D. and hope to continue our journey for years to come.

Thermaltake Big Water 735

There are times in a computer’s life when air cooling will no longer fit the bill. Unfortunately, most main stream computer users are sometimes afraid to experiment. This should no longer be the case because water and electronics were meant for each other. If you have been following computing, things have been changing, duh. As things get faster, they require …

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Hitachi Desktar 7K500

There is nothing more exciting than seeing a brandy new shiny HDD sitting on my front steps waiting for me. There is only one company that could have done this… wait… you guess yet? Hitachi! Yeah, I said Hitachi. If you folks have ever voted on our polls here at C.O.D. you would see that only 2.13% of our readers rate Hitachi as their favorite hard drive brand. That either means you think they put out crap, or you don't know who they are. Let's see if we can put either of those to rest here. Enter the Hitachi Deskstar 7K500, also known in charts as HDS725050KLA360.

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Antec Performance One – P180B

Having been around the block a few times, and having been burned a few times; I have my preferences in chassis'. I have purchased and used a ton of cases and always seem to go back to my Lian Li PC-70 series chassis. There has been little innovation in this sector and it seems like manufacturers are trying to woo us with fancy designs and forgetting about the simple features that we should have to begin with. There are cases out there that look like malformed bubbles, cases that look like transformers, cases with bubbled water, and my personal favorite the cases that look like "Hello Kitty" (sarcasm). It is refreshing when some case manufacturers get back to the basics and give us usable features and practical designs. Antec claims they can give me hope once again. Enter the Antec Performance Series P180B.

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Scythe – Kama Bay

You have a new CPU Cooler in the box and you are installing it. You get everything installed properly and you are getting ready to see if that $30.00 you just spent on CPU cooling will help with the temperature issues you have been worried about lately. You start your rig up, get to doing some thangs, and realize you …

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Spire SP601B3 VertiCool II

At 4 in the morning, most people are sleeping; not me. I am sitting in front of my test rig testing the cpu cooling solution you are about to read about. Spire has been filling their portfolio with new products on a consistent basis and has decided to throw this one our way. Spire left me hanging with the DiamondCool …

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iStarUSA Nitro AX

I have seen computer cases of all shapes and sizes and computer cases are what I love about the enthusiast scene the most. I definitely do more research trying to find the right case than I spend picking out my motherboard. After all, the case I pick will have to withstand my brutal punishing nature; the constant upgrades; and my tendency for getting bored very quickly. I haven't been too happy with some of the cases hitting the market today, and some of them just make me angry. iStarUSA claims they have a case that will satisfy my inner geek. Enter the "Super Cooling" Full Tower Nitro AX.

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