Integrating Email Virus Scanning
- Download Clamwin and install with all the default options: Click Here to Download
From your hMailAdministrator Interface
- Expand “Settings”
- Choose AntiVirus
- Choose ClamWin tab
- Check the box for “Use Clamwin”
- Press Autodetect
- Press OK when the dialogue box appears
- click Save
If it doesn’t autodetect the ClamWin paths correctly or at all:
- Executable: C:\Program Files\ClamWin\bin\clamscan.exe
- database: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\.clamwin\db
If you have any questions or comments, please visit our forums. You will be able to find help or offer suggestions. Also, the fine folks over at are a great resource for help.
Note: You don’t have to be running Windows Home Server for this to work. This will work with any current version of Windows. You can use a DynDNS account also instead. Sign up for Dynamic DNS at and use that as your domain address in your mailserver. Most routers support updating your address automatically; if yours doesn’t, download the updater for free from their site.
is this discussion still alive
It is now 🙂
Excellent article and thanks for posting the detailed instructions (so often missing on other sites as you note).
And certainly easier than running Exchange!
wow another free stuff! thanks for sharing this one. cheers!=)
ok after I set up the home server in the window home server, how do I access any mail from it and how do I set up my outlook 2007 to access the mail?
I used the following as my pop3 *** and SMTP as my ISP SMTP address (cause my isp restricted port 25); to setup Outlook Express. I was able to send out email message, however I couldnt receive any emails. I'm getting this error message when run Receive All in Outlook Express:
"Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible cause for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account '***', server '', Protocol: POP3, Port 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F.
I did verified that PORT 110 is open @ the router.
Please let me know if you can help, thanks in advance.
Did you require authentication?
Just checking, is this article still relevant one year later? Someone pointed me here but it’s a bit old.
I’ve obtained my domain at However, there is no MX record for it (All mails sent to the address were failed). How do I add the MX record via WHS? Thanks!
How do one access the emails thru outlook???? or even set up webmail… i have installed hmailserver and it all very well, it even says i have a message but what the point of it if i can’t read it??????
I will eventually write a tutorial on setting up outlook, mail, or outlook express to get mail from your hmailserver. The easiest way to explain for now is to use your servers, ip address or given homeservername as the smtp and pop server.
have you made the torturital for outlook setup, an if so please send me a link
Hey. The download link appears to not be working. It just redirects to this page again. ANy suggestions?
I changed the link to the software website…